Supporting missions locally and globally.
From the very beginning, Grace Bible has been committed to supporting mission organizations here at home and all around the world. Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel,” was important to our founders, and it remains a top priority for our church body to this day.
Globally – We support a wide variety of missionaries and missions organizations serving all over the globe. We are connected to and financially support missionaries in the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Europe, as well as closer to home. Missionaries typically return on furlough every few years and share the stories of the way God is working in their adopted communities, and we keep in touch through email, video, and social media the rest of the time. One of the events we look forward to every year is a big shoebox packing party in support of Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child work to provide a Christmas gift and the story of Salvation to children everywhere.
Regionally – God has gifted the people of Grace Bible Church with a variety of practical talents and abilities. We put those skills to work through church-wide mission trips of all kinds. We regularly partner with RHMA for “extreme church makeover” style service projects in rural American communities.
Locally – We want to help spread God’s love right here at home too. We do that through partnerships with local missions organizations like South Side Mission, Washington Weekend SnackPack program, and Peoria Rescue Ministries, who receive our donations and service efforts.
Interested in joining us on our next mission?
We hope you’ll join us in supporting these important efforts to share the love of Christ to people near and far.